The journey continues…

Day two of shadowing doctors at Baylor was just as great as the first! Everyday at the clinic begins with prayer and hymns sung in Sesotho, the native language.  It is truly a beautiful time to re-focus everyday on God.  The waiting room is packed with people; I will never again complain about having to wait to see a doctor!  The doctors have so much passion for their work; I admire them wholeheartedly.  One of the major problems I have noticed with the children is that their diets contain absolutely no protein, just popa (this maize/grits porridge) and maybe vegetables!  Amit and I will learn what our project at Baylor will be and start working on it tomorrow.  It may involve plumpy-nut, a protein supplement.  Amit and I went to SOS Village today.  I had never been there before, but I immediately fell in love with it!  The children there are orphans, mostly due to the AIDS epidemic.  The kids were the friendliest, most energetic kids I have ever seen!  Before I even walked through the gate, I pulled out my camera and the kids came running at me, wanting to be in the photo!  It was hilarious!  I love the kids already and I cannot wait to teach there!