
Amit and I have been teaching for a week!  I can’t believe it!  So far, everything has been running really smoothly!  We are trying to fit all of our curriculum in, but I just really want the kids to understand everything!  Koalabata is much farther behind than SOS, but we both love teaching there.  Yesterday and today, I covered the classification of living things, food chains, and the digestive system.  The students loved playing the interactive game where they were each a part of the digestive system and had to place themselves in the correct order-race style!  I felt bad for all the students who were the “rectum!”  Amit is doing a great job teaching the students challenging topics like factors and multiples.  At the end of class, the students enjoy teaching us Sesotho!  I graded the pre-tests we gave to the students.  Students at SOS scored an average of 10 points higher (out of 50) on the science portion.  I have decided to give daily homework and weekly quizzes to assess how much the students are really absorbing.  We are also still working at Baylor each day; we are working on multiple projects that need to be completed.  So far, the students are doing really well!