This week we are using problem solving to find careers for our students. Many of them have not be advised about which careers are available and suitable based upon their strengths and weaknesses. We gave them each an assessment to see what they like and dislike. For some, it was difficult answering the personal questions because they have never been taught to think about what is their best/worst quality., but once we explained it, they were able to come up with very thoughtful answers. Tomorrow we will have one-on-one consultations to determine what areas they might want to pursue. We also have invited a couple guest speakers to talk to the students after class about different careers. Today Nurse Rebecca from Eloihim came to share about how she decided to be a nurse and what schooling is required. It was very informative, and after talking to the students at the end, many of them found it helpful and encouraging to see a Basotho achieve her own career goal. Our students also asked good questions about practicing as a nurse, and Rebecca had the opportunity to talk in much detail about her experiences in nursing school. I hope that these guest speakers will provide them with the chance to explore different career options because many have never had someone take the time to help them choose a career that they will enjoy.
In other news, it snowed for the first time on Monday!!! It was the most bizarre snow too. The sky was bright, the sun was out, and then all of a sudden I see these flecks falling out of the sky through a window. I thought someone had a sprinkler, but that didn’t make sense, so I went outside and I found that it was snowing!! Crazy!