I’ve always been bad at saying goodbye
This was my last week in Lesotho, but once again I claim that… read more
This was my last week in Lesotho, but once again I claim that… read more
This week concluded our teaching of the PSLE refresher course at Koalabata. I can’t believe it is over! This… read more
This week, we taught solely at Koalabata-it was great! HIV EDUCATION WEEK!! On Monday, we introduced the series on HIV/AIDS… read more
Question # 5: What do hungry children, upset teachers, false identities and amnesia all have in common? If you said… read more
I have no idea where the time goes! Monday was filled with science lessons on respiration and muscles. When we… read more
Amit and I have been teaching for a week! I can’t believe it! So far, everything has been running really… read more
My career as a teacher began today, but I think I learned more than I taught! After combating a little… read more
This week, Amit and I have been working on community education projects at the Baylor Clinic. We have made a… read more
On Sunday, we went to a church here in Lesotho. The people were so friendly and it was a great… read more
I was given a tour of the public hospital here, Queen II. It is so much worse than I ever… read more